Thursday, February 12, 2009

Let's Try & Bring Britney Oversea's

Ok so basically what I'm trying to do here is get a blog started that will hopefully generate some attention. I want to stress the point that people all around the world love Britney... do you really think it's fair that she has put on 8 (count 'em) shows in London alone? Why not Ireland, Spain, Germany? Are we not as good enough fans?
So do you wanna help spread the attention of the blog? This is what you gotta do, send the link of the blog to people on your msn or tell your friends. Then leave a comment here on the blog saying WHERE you want Britney to do a show & WHY!
C'mon guys lets "Bring Britney Here"


  1. Bring Britney To Ireland because we're huge fans!

  2. AUSTRALIA PLEASE. Her albums do better here than most countries

  3. Mexico!! We do love her, our sincerly admiration is full of proudnes and faith.
    We'll receive her with all our heart and adoration!
